my marriage




The honor or your presence is requested at the Wedding of gulnaazeen mohammadi Daughter of Mr.noor mohamad khan to khaleel jibran son of Mrs. Khaisar sultana and Mr.Late mohamad maheboob hussain Reception is to take place on friday, september 07, 2018 Promptly at 7:00 pm at theSwagath Funtion Hall HYD Road Raichur mob 7204940261

Frozen Tersakiti Team

^_^ My Marriage ^_^
About Me

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The information :

Name: ./Mdjibran

Country: Indian

Follow Me on: fb/mdjibran1337

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root@./MDJ1B4N:~# > Bismihi Ta'ala wedding invitation/~

Noor mohammad khan Request the honour of your presence on the auspicious occasion of the Nikah Ceremony of their daugther Naazneen with Khaleel Jibran Son of Mrs. Khaisar Sultana and Late Mr.Mohammad Maheboob Hussain

~\ Insha Allah Nikah /~ on Thursday, 6th September 2018

| Place |
At the Green Palace, Akshal Road- Raichur. Nikah : 6.30 pm Dinner thereafter

~\ Valima ~\on Friday, 7th September 2018 | Place |
At the Swagath Function Hall, Hyd Road- Raichur. Dinner : 7.30 pm

echo " /~ echo " Best Complimants | Relatives | And | Friends ";

/~ .follow me on facebook
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